Your Guide to What’s Racist

John Stephen Walsh
3 min readJul 2, 2020

A List Based on What’s On Medium and Whatever’s Playing in the Background While I Typed This

This subject is too important for a lengthy intro: Here’s the list.

black reaction gifs

Quentin Tarantino movies

white liberals


not liking riots

pointing out that police kill more whites than blacks


Racists protest racism.

white people who try to be allies to black people (and that includes me — so brave!)

not liking riots again

Rose McGowan

white sushi chefs


anyone who thinks anyone but black women is an adult

“Checking in”/ asking black co-workers “How are you doing?” — puts too much emotional labor on black people

Racists protest.

yoga pants

saying there’s been racial progress in America

opposing reparations

Bernie Sanders

Black men (for failing black women)

sharing stories about good cops

VC firms

John Cleese

liberal white friends



The Supreme Court’s latest rulings

“universal empathy”

corporate America

Asian Americans

America’s healthcare system

moral relativism

NOT the Soviet Union

The Breakfast Club

Russell Simmons

Big white lady.

“The American idea of freedom”

not believing black people 100% of the time

not liking Jeremy Corbyn



Gone with the Wind

not liking riots, yet again




The winner gets the coveted title of Fastest Racist of the Day

“Office Allies” (remember, these are people/ideas/things considered racist)

black on black crime

marginalized people



black people happy they’ve gotten into college

not wanting to pay reparations for something one didn’t do

ALL American law enforcement


fast food restaurants

any criticism of BLM

racial humor

rice packaging

cereal packaging

corporations who donate to BLM



John Stephen Walsh

I write horror, science fiction and weird. Worked in warehouses, schools and social services. My books are on Amazon.