Today’s “You People”

John Stephen Walsh
2 min readJun 27, 2023

Today’s American Progressives mock the idea that white men are anything less than racists, haters and sexists who all live lives of luxury, benefitting from being born the way they are, which they had no control over.

The concept of White Privilege seems to have been invented just so folks have an excuse to be racist or sexist toward whoever they hate. (I’ve seen black men, Hispanic men and women called on for exercising White Privilege.)

“We’ve been disrespected and considered less than a person for centuries, now it’s our turn!” seems to be the motto of the Left, especially Progressive women.

This idea validates their hatred of ONE kind of person (as well as their ‘allies,’ of course).

To which I ask, How are things going to improve for non-white non-males if you think it’s just fine to go after Those People (white males)?

Are these oppressors going to just keep taking your abuse and shrug and say, “Well, slavery happened, so…”


No one ACCEPTS being attacked and just takes it as a way to ‘balance out’ historical crimes and injustices.

No one will just do what the Progressives want them to do…so of course, Progressives have to find a way to FORCE Those People to do what is Morally Correct (to Progressives).

You can mock, attack, censor and belittle conservative men for the sin of being male only so much. I’ve been working for nearly five decades and am repeatedly taken by surprise by how conservative many young men are. Almost to a man, they got an education, got a job, got an apartment or bought a home, got married, etc. etc.

And for that they are hated.

They don’t want praise, but they don’t get the hostility toward them by people, many of whom will tell you in the first minute of knowing them that they have been abused and/or have mental health problems, and almost all of them have zero independence, financially or otherwise.

I’ve never categorized myself as a White Male American, and think anyone being ‘proud’ of their color or gender is a moron. There are a lot of people like me. They have no desire to side with ‘men’s rights’ people, they have no secret passion for fascism, they have more things to worry about than the hatred of strangers who’ve never met them.

I’m not saying this will be a good thing, but if normal, decent Americans keep being pushed, they’re going to stop sitting on the sidelines, watching.



John Stephen Walsh

I write horror, science fiction and weird. Worked in warehouses, schools and social services. My books are on Amazon.