The Orange Man in the Liberal Mirror

John Stephen Walsh
4 min readNov 5, 2020

You ‘resisted’ while crying about ‘unity.’ But don’t worry; no one ever believed you wanted to unite with people you think are dumb and evil. Some of us DO wonder about all your supposed love for diversity, though. How do you actually open yourself up to anything you haven’t already approved if you can’t even handle Thanksgiving chat with people who have the same parents, or friends or neighbors?

He’s so ANGRY!

You used non-political government agencies as ‘insurance’ against a political enemy. Remember when that was something Nixon and (racist/homophobic) J. Edgar Hoover did? Oh, of course, you were all about those Russian ads (have you actually seen any of them? We know YOU have NEVER had your mind changed by advertising, but those morons who voted for Trump… OK, wait, here it gets complicated — were those idiots Hillary voters who Mad Bad Vlad the Red convinced to vote for Trump? But I thought all Hillary supporters were brilliant, NPR-fed Smart People? Sorry, I got off the track… So, yeah, you applauded when the Clinton gang used an unverified dossier to open up an investigation into an American because you didn’t like his politics. (And Trump was so eeeevil, he went along with it.)

You will of course applaud when Joe doesn’t appoint someone to look into that Other Unverified Story. THAT won’t be corrupt. And it’s not like he hasn’t ended investigations into his own finances. And you’re ALL about a president’s personal finances…

You impeached him over something Biden was guilty of. And you smiled when you found out that laptop was in the FBI’s possession, and the FBI did nothing to bring that piece of evidence out. How would you feel if the parties were reversed? You’d want the whole case tossed for the FBI’s withholding evidence.

Calm, reasonable, not angry at all.

You APPLAUDED the news media and social media HIDING evidence of corruption by somone YOU THEN VOTED FOR! You supported the cover-up of news Americans would want to know. So much for letting adult Americans decide what they could and could not read for themselves — you knew better, and you were overjoyed when such a thing was suppressed. And we both know you’d have lost your freakin’ MIND if that laptop belongs to Trump’s kid.

You had no problem when people created nightly Super Spreader events, supposedly for a black man, but you weren’t surprised when it all came down to “We’re out here to hurt Drumpf.” Property — people’s LIVELIHOOD, their work, their homes and neighborhoods — well, there’s insurance, though I don’t think you’re exactly right about how that works…

People killed — over 30 dead , many Africa-Americans, in these foolish, COVID-spreading street theater events. All to intimidate his supporters.

Pollsters ran wildly inaccurate polls for a year. So what? Spreading lies is okay if it helps YOUR side.

\ntegrity — you’ve got it. Sort of…

Then, finally, you cheated. Six Democrat-controlled states just STOPPED counting on election night. And STILL aren’t done. And these strange piles of votes show up. But you’re not into identification, so who cares if signatures don’t match? (We’re not going to pretend there’s been no history of that kind of thing in Evil Amerikkka? OK, good.)

All of this because you don’t like him. Nope, not gonna hear the ‘fascist’ or ‘racist’ B.S. You support a man who imprisoned many black men, and voted against a man who’s freed them, a man who’s cozied up to actual segregationists instead of saying dumb, insulting WORDS.

You just don’t like him. But it looks like you got him. And all you had to do to send him off to a life of golf and luxury, is lie, slander, destroy, burn, cheat, and lie some more. Mostly to yourself.


Who’s the corrupt one here?



John Stephen Walsh

I write horror, science fiction and weird. Worked in warehouses, schools and social services. My books are on Amazon.