Suffering from Writer’s Block?

John Stephen Walsh
3 min readJun 27, 2023

Open a new document.

Set a timer for 20 minutes.

Put on appropriate mood music.

Start the timer.

Write and DO NOT STOP until the timer goes off.

“But I’m stuck, I can’t write!”

You can write. You haven’t stopped texting or tweeting. You find those more fun and easier than writing that story you tell everyone you’re going to write.


Spend those twenty minutes writing about being blocked AND DO NOT STOP TYPING.

Just add words even if they’re nonsense words while you try to think of something–



DO NOT stop to think about what you’re writing–you’re blocked, remember?

If you have to, write “Why are you blocked?” on a piece of paper (your grandparents will explain what that is) and tape it just above your screen. If you start drifting, look at that question and KEEP TYPING.

Specifically: If you finish putting down your thought continue typing, even if it’s nonsense.

The goal isn’t to write something good or even an essay, it’s to fill a document for 20 minutes.


“OK I’m stuck. Why am I stuck? Because it’s more fun tweeting okay Why am I stuck? Because tweets–fun, I want to have FUN when writing. blue red red lighthouse I want to enjoy what I write so why do I enjoy tweets but not chapter 18 of the book? What’s wrong with the book, do I have to back up and remove stuff sausages books damn thing well Why am I stuck because I suck, and no that’s bullshit, I’ve written good things in the past–hell, een if they’re just tweets OK so why do I like sending tweets? Connecting with people this book isn’t connecting maybe I should”

Yes, I misspelled ‘even’ and kept going.

When the timer goes off, you can tell yourself “Congratulations, you just wrote something, you’re not blocked.” Then maybe look at what you wrote, see if it gives you any help.

If not do another 20 minutes right away.

This is an active way to fight the block. If you don’t really want to end the block, you just don’t like being lazy and then feeling guilty about it (while making your book/story a source of depression), then just don’t write your story. Go play online.

Or try writing about what’s wrong with your book, or character, or water heater, or cat, for twenty minutes at a time, writing whatever comes to mind but nudging yourself back to the topic.

Being blocked may not be a choice, but continuing to be blocked is.




John Stephen Walsh

I write horror, science fiction and weird. Worked in warehouses, schools and social services. My books are on Amazon.