Read this and then tell me these indictments aren’t a joke

John Stephen Walsh
2 min readAug 17, 2023
Tweeting about what he’s watching on TV — WE MUST INDICT!

Good Christ, Democrats, what are you willing to do just to GET a guy you don’t like? While you ignore tons of evidence about the sitting president’s criminality?

I mean, we already KNOW what you’re WILLING to do to this country…

…because you did it, with a vengeance, months before January 6…to the tune of billions in damages, multiple government buildings attacked, and dozens of Americans killed. But hey, you got a Native American image pulled off a butter package.

Please, tell me when you’re going after everyone else who denied elections.

After you wipe your tears about this ‘attack on our democracy,’ of course.

Remember how upset Democrats were when the White House was under seige, and dozens of Secret Service agents were injured? They were so outraged, they were laughing about it on social media that night!

You’re not fooling anyone.



John Stephen Walsh

I write horror, science fiction and weird. Worked in warehouses, schools and social services. My books are on Amazon.