Karl Marx Predicted Russia-Trump

John Stephen Walsh
5 min readJan 11, 2018

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. — Karl Marx

The talk of a Democrat wave in 2018 is convincing, and of little historical significance — it would be strange if the party so completely out of power did NOT have significant victories in an off-year election.

But haven’t we heard this sort of talk just over a year ago? Hillary was going to win — to suggest otherwise was laughable. She DID win the popular vote. She just didn’t win enough of the fifty state elections she had to win to become president.

The Democrats see their values as being on the rise, what with #MeToo and pink hats and Trump’s low personal popularity. (That personal popularity number clashes with people’s attitudes about the state of the economy and the nation, which should be troubling to democratic prognosticators.) But what values are the Democrats pushing?

For one thing, the very McCarthyism they have been wailing against for decades. McCarthyism, the Black Listing of political opponents, was the Second Great American Sin, after slavery. People thrown out of work for holding beliefs! The Soviet Threat was mostly a lie pushed by a cross-dressing white guy in charge of the F.B.I., who used the tools of government spying against The Other Party.

Which brings us to the long-held illusion that Democrats want all voices heard, want “a discussion” to air out our differences, and that the democratic golden rule about freedom of speech is “I may disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.” Remember, this isn’t democratic piety about THEIR belief, but ALL beliefs, ALL opposing views.

What a lie we’ve been told by democrats for decades.

How do Democrats engage with views that are not theirs today? Meeting speakers they don’t agree with with threats and street violence and “deplatforming.” Business leaders, celebrities and political leaders routinely call for boycotts of businesses run by people who don’t agree with them politically — this is routine. How is this any different from industry black listing of people who don’t agree with them politically?

More importantly in terms of the sacred electoral process Democrats claim to worship, they have embraced the Stalinist tactic of declaring someone they can’t abide politically as possibly suffering mental health issues.

“ The term “psychopathological mechanisms” of dissent describes the political abuse of psychiatry in the former Soviet Union and other totalitarian regimes. Non-approved beliefs, attitudes or behavior are classified as mental problems, which converts them into a medical diagnosis that can be handled in an extra-legal manner. Dissenters or ‘the different’ can be detained indefinitely in mental hospitals where they are drugged or otherwise ‘cured’ into conformity.” https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2014/09/08/americas-book-critics-soviet-style.html

Remind you of anyone?

Since Hillary Clinton’s declaration that not respecting the results of an election, Democrats have gone beyond any political opposition in recent American history in refusing to accept the results of a presidential election. Opponents of Barack Obama — including Donald Trump, who paid money to ‘prove’ Obama was not American-born — did not march in the street. Mitch McConnell, who said his job was to make Obama a ‘one-term president,’ has been pointed to as some kind of disloyal American when he was only stating what any political opponent aims to do with a president of the other party. (Did John Kerry run to make sure George Bush was a two-term president?) The political opposition to Obama and Clinton was precisely that — political opposition. The nation was not placed in a state of ongoing fixation on the last presidential election daily, asked to question — daily — if a Russian agent was sitting in the White House.

Democrats seem completely oblivious to the damage they are doing not only to the nation on the whole, but to themselves. Do they think that on the morning after the next Democrat is elected president that the country will settle down, calmly, as we have before the night of Clinton’s defeat (and her campaign’s subsequent move to oppose the president-elect, in league with the outgoing president, who has gone against every recent post-presidency in trying to unseat his successor)? What do they think will happen if Trump is a one-term president whose millions of supporters believe he was ejected from office because of the machinations of the intelligence community, sitting and former government employees, and the mass media?

The very people who’ve been wagging their fingers at us for decades about the horrors of calling opponents ‘crazy,’ of not respecting opposing views, of an all-powerful surveillance state, of an all-powerful Big Brother government, now delight in silencing opposition, calling anyone who disagrees with them crazy, and bringing down the hammer of secret intelligence operatives on those they don’t like.

This is the mindset of the Democratic Party of 2018.

One person who’s very pleased with what the Democrats have been doing is Vladimir Putin, but the ghosts of Marx and Stalin would be laughing right along with him.

And so are Hillary, Barack, Jake, Rachel…

“Donald Trump refused to say that he’d respect the results of this election. That’s a direct threat to our democracy.” — Hillary Clinton



John Stephen Walsh

I write horror, science fiction and weird. Worked in warehouses, schools and social services. My books are on Amazon. https://johnstephenwalsh.wordpress.com/